The Covenant Association

The Pennsylvania Southeast Conference of the United Church of Christ

Welcome to the
Covenant Association!

The Covenant Association is one of the five associations in the Pennsylvania Southeast Conference in the United Church of Christ (UCC). We consist of 46 churches; we are open and welcoming to all people; and we offer an extravagant welcome to you! The UCC is a church committed to justice, equality, healing, and peace … a church where “God is still speaking”! So, no matter who you are, or where you are on life’s journey, you are welcome, and we are excited to get to know you!

Register for the Fall Association Meeting

Registration is open for the Fall Meeting. Click on the “Register” button below to go to the Eventbrite registration page. You will be asked for your name, email address, phone number, congregational affiliation, and status (clergy, lay voting delegate, or non-voting guest).

From the Association Bylaws: “Every church in the Association is expected to send its pastor(s) and lay delegates as voting members to Association meetings.  The number of lay delegates from each congregation will be equal to the number of delegates which each congregation is permitted at regular meetings of the Conference.  All authorized ministers holding standing in the Association are voting members of the Association, as are officers of the Association who may not be representatives of their respective churches.  Non-voting visitors shall also be welcome.”

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News and Events

Find out what’s going on in the churches of the Covenant Association! There is always something interesting happening in our congregations.

To get all the latest news, subscribe to the weekly e-blast (see above).

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Covenant Association