Committee Job Descriptions

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Church and Ministry Council Member

The Church and Ministry Council meets bi-monthly during even numbered months to provide training and resources for the Association Committees on Ministry.

The Council oversees the standing of clergy and churches, the progress of Members in Discernment toward ordination, the licensing and commissioning of lay ministers, as well as the process of privilege of call and ordination.

In addition to bi-monthly meetings, the Council regularly offers training on the UCC Manual on Ministry and other materials provided by MESA (Ministerial Excellence, Support, and Authorization team) which supports the implementation of denominational polity for authorized ministry in the United Church of Christ.

Communications Manager

The Communications Manager gathers information and details on events in the Covenant Association, creates a weekly e-blast email that keeps all subscribed individuals informed, and maintains the Association’s website.

For more information click here.

Nominating Committee Member

The Nominating Committee:

  • keeps an accurate record of the offices and committee positions as required by the By-Laws including dates and terms and home churches;

  • announces open positions in the Covenant E-Blast, by emails to churches and pastors, by individual contact with emphasis on talents and personalities that fit the position and a calling from God;

  • stays alert throughout the year for possible candidates and contacts such persons, keeping a balance between clergy and lay;

  • reports these possibilities to the Executive Committee for approval; and

  • identifies and recommends to the Conference Body via the Consistory qualified candidates to fill elected positions of leadership that advance the mission of the Conference.

For more information click here & here.

Committee on Ministry Member (Formation)

The Formation COM of the Covenant Association works with Members in Discernment (MIDs), Licensed Pastors, and Commissioned Ministers.

With reference to MIDs, we meet with individuals who hear a call to ordained ministry to discern whether they have the gifts and graces to fulfill the duties of ordained ministry. We assign them a Mentor, meet with them at least annually as they journey through the process established by the PSEC (Ministry Formation Plan). We are tasked with tracking their process, offering guidance, reviewing their ordination papers and ministerial profiles, setting up Ecclesiastical Councils, and ordaining them as their MID journey comes to a close.

Though the UCC no longer offers the designations of Licensed Pastors and Commissioned Ministers, we continue to meet with those who hold these designations on an annual basis to hear their joys and delights as well as their questions and concerns.

Periodically we work with the Standing COM to assist with annual reviews of Ordained Pastors.

For more information click here.

Committee on Ministry Member (Standing)

Positions on the Standing side of COM include: Standing COM Chair, Standing COM Vice Chair, Standing COM Secretary, and Data Keeper.

At a minimum, each task group has a leader and co-leader from among the COM. The task groups meet as needed. The goal of having task groups is to divide up the responsibilities of the COM into smaller groups, in order to give more direct and complete attention to pastors and churches, and to be more efficient with use of COM members’ time.

The “Leader” serves as the primary contact person for the task group, calls and leads their task group meetings, and gives updates to the COM. The “Co-leader” creates a supportive relational approach to leadership, serves as a secondary contact person for the task group, and assumes the roles of the Leader when he or she is absent.

Where indicated, the task group may include non-COM members in their work.

Groups include: Retired Pastors (Annuitants), Periodic Review, Congregational Support, and Call Covenant.

For more information click here.

Personnel Committee Member

Develop and recommend personnel policies, periodically review and update Conference Personnel Policy Manual (subject to recommendations of the Conference Minister and approval of the Conference Consistory), conduct annual staff evaluations (in partnership with the Conference Minister) for all staff members, at the direction of Consistory, serve as members of a Search Committee for “called” ordained Conference staff.

For more information click here.

PSEC Consistory Representative

Representatives are elected at the Spring Meeting of the Conference to serve one renewable term of two years.

Terms begin at the conclusion of the Spring Meeting of the Conference member is elected and terminates at the conclusion of the Spring Meeting at which successor is elected.

The PSEC Consistory Representative is a member of the governing body of the Conference doing things needful to develop and further its program and work in accordance with the provisions of these Bylaws and the will of the Conference expressed at its regular and special meetings and consistent with the Constitution and Bylaws of the UCC.

Corporate powers of the Conference shall be vested in the Conference Consistory, who shall have and exercise the general control and management of its property, funds, and affairs, subject to the provisions of the Conference Bylaws and the laws of the Commonwealth of PA.

Membership assigns, buy, sell, lease, convey, or mortgage any real or personal property belonging to the Conference and may borrow money (by 2/3 vote).

Consistory Members designate signatories, in addition to the Treasurer, to sign receipts, checks, and instruments for the withdrawal of funds from banks or savings institutions.

Consistory Members attend bi-monthly meetings—traditionally the third Saturday of the month beginning in January; 9:00 –12:30 am. Meetings are currently held at St. James UCC, Limerick.

Conference Consistory has authority to establish Standing Committees, Mission Teams, and other committees and task forces to carry on major areas of the Conference work.

For more information click here.


Per the bylaws of October 27, 2019, the Secretary shall keep minutes of all Association and Executive Committee meetings; see to the submission of appropriate records of all standing committees of theAssociation at its regularly called meetings; and carry on such correspondence as is pertinent to this office. The Secretary shall be the second signatory for the checking account and be bonded through the Conference.

For more information click here.


The Covenant Association Treasurer is responsible for maintaining and monitoring the financial assets of the association and be responsible for any and all invoices or payments that need to be made.

For more information click here.

Vice Moderator

Per the Covenant Association bylaws approved October 27, 2019, the Vice-Moderator shall assist the Moderator in the Moderator’s duties in the Association and shall preside at meetings in the absence of the Moderator. The Vice-Moderator, with the affirmation of the Association, will assume the position of Moderator at the end of the Moderator’s term.

For more information click here.